20 February 2021

Diablo II: Resurrected

A few days ago, I posted an update on my gaming progress, in which I mentioned that I intend to continue my revisit of Diablo II.

Today, I learned that Blizzard is going to release a 3D remastered version this year, bringing this 20 years old game to modern graphics.

It's called Diablo II: Resurrected, and from the video available currently, it looks faithful to the original game, just a lot nicer. ^_^

You can go to the official site to sign up for alpha test, not sure how the selection process is since given my limited gaming time, I don't intend to sign up so I didn't really look into the details.

At this moment I am not sure if I am going to buy it, since, after all, I bought two copies of Diablo II and two copies of Lord of Destruction all those years back. I am not sure if I want to spend the money just to get a nicer looking game.

By the way, whoever borrowed my second copy, could you please return it to me? I want to introduce it to my sons and play multiplayer with them.

Anyway, there are probably some quality of life improvements other than nicer graphics, I will have to dive deeper to find out.

Can always pick it up during sales, I suppose. ^_^

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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