29 December 2020


Thanks to brother-in-law doting on the kids, we have two hoverboards in the house.

Having always been showered with gifts and stuff from family and relatives, I sincerely hope that the kids learn appreciation and gratitude, and not take things for granted.

Riding a hoverboard felt a bit awkward initially but once you got used to it, it becomes intuitive. At least that's the case for me and my family.

A few days after use, one of the wheels of a hoverboard developed a problem, where the inner tube stem was sucked inwards, pushing onto the rim, making inflating the inner tube impossible.

We never found out what caused that issue, because in my overzealous attempt to fix it, I ended up bursting the inner tube and we had to replace it. Replacing the inner tube was a painful process, at the time of drafting this, the wounds on my hand are still fresh and smarting.

Oh well, at least I have the experience of changing the inner tube and wheel of a hoverboard now. Learned something. Prefer not to have to do it again though.

It's about three weeks now (this entry is drafted on 27th of December) since we have the hoverboards, while the younger son still plays with the hoverboard, the elder son has already lost interest after the first few days. And no, I am not surprised, such is his nature.

Anyway, a tool to replace walking is always good for lazy people like me, kekeke. Here's a video showing hoverboard in action.

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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