28 July 2013


Writing this in the hotel room, with the television on mainly for some background noise.

Outstation for a training course. One week.

Just found out today that WhatsApp can be used to send audio clip, it's good to hear the boys.

Then again, probably should have just used an app that allows free phone calls.

All subjected to the availbility of free wifi, of course. Since I don't have a data plan.

For a change Air Asia flight was not delayed, wow... That's like a miracle. Okay, a minor, insignificant one. =P

Having a rather neutral feeling towards the training, if the quality is going to be similar to the one I had on the previous level, then it's going to be a total waste of my time, again.

Let's hope this time it's not going to suck. We will find out tomorrow.

Well, I guess I can always focus on what to eat. =P

Anyway, away from home and family is just... meh!

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