Half the year has gone, and I still haven't achieved my resolution of writing a story.
Oh there has been a few ideas and notes now and then, bits and pieces of different stories that popped into my mind.
A specific scene, a certain phrase, a particular action. Disjointed stuff that's not of the same story arc.
Yea, my imagination can run wild sometimes, and things always seem so nice when they are just ideas and images in the mind.
Anyhow, I have decided on what to write a while back. Something that I intimately know and hence no imagination or make-believe required. Well, not really but I will get to that later.
Of all things, I wanted to write a romance.
My romance. In Mandarin no less.
Hey, writting my own romance should be easy right? Just telling the story as it is. Shouldn't have any gaps or writter's blocks since, well, I don't intend to write something that didn't happen. =)
I had a chapter written and was starting on another before it occurred to me to ask if wifey minds.
Oh boy she minds. Very much. And she forbids me to post online.
Good thing I didn't upload the finished chapter as soon as it's done.
What I didn't tell her, and the above mentioned not really involving no imagination or make-believe part, is that I am writing in her perspective, not mine.
Oh well.
That thing is shelved. I have to come up with some make-believe story after all.
Just wrote the first chapter of my new romance. Totally fictitious, and I only have the vaguest idea of a storyline. Many gaps to be filled but I will figure them out as I go, it's all made up anyway.
Do you think I can pull this off? Would you like to read it if I ever get it done?