16 May 2010


Principles, beliefs, moral codes, attitudes, not sure which one correctly reflects the stuff I am writing about here. Perhaps it's a mixture.

I am just going to use whatever I think sounds better in the sentence. =P

So, do you have these?

For I do, and here are some which are at the top of my mind:

- Never hit a lady

Husbands who hit their wives, guys who hit girls, are just cowards. I am not implying the ladies are weak, there are plenty of women who can easily knock me out. To me, this is just a men's thing.

- If it's worth doing, it's worth giving your best (if it's not worth doing, don't bother)

Most often than not, half-hearted attempts are just a big waste of time and energy. If you want to do something, give it your best shot. Else just don't do it.

- Side with the underdogs

If there's no personal affiliation, always side with the weak. That's why in the rare occasion that I follow a sports event, and if neither teams is my home or favourite team, then I will always cheer for the underdog. Underdogs unite! =)

- Human first

When it comes to charity, always help the human beings first before animals or planet. And given the choice, always help the babies and children before adults.

- Truth and frank

There is no point trying to pass myself as someone better than who I actually am, I am who I am. Only give promise I intend to keep. Be honest and frank, say what you mean, mean what you say. Don't lie, it takes more lies to cover your first lie.

- Be punctual

I strive to be on time, for time is precious. If I cannot make it on the time I promised, I would try my best to inform the others. Don't waste other people's time.

Okay, mind's coming up blank now, time to stop. =)

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