24 May 2010

Home Alone

Been alone since I drove wifey and sons to the inlaws' in the weekend, will only reunite with them end of this week.

I guess I just want to do a warning kind of thing.

If you find me crankier, crazier, grumpier, more sarcastic, more wicked, more antisocial, more sinister, duller, grouchier, more irritable, more sadistic, eviller, and/or generally more unpleasant than usual, please don't call Tanjung Rambutan forgive me.

You know, without the better half and the two bundles of positive energy to counteract the huge ball of negative energy (that's me!), things tend to plunge straight down slide a teeny weeny bit to the worse.

Oh, given that I can walk about naked at home now, so if by unlikely chance anyone wanted to pay me a visit, please call or notify ahead of arrival. I don't want you to be traumatised or mentally scarred for life. =P

Besides not having the daily dose of happiness and positivity, there's another issue that plagues me everyday...

What to have for dinner huh?


江边鸟 said...

McD McD and McD for the whole week ~ hahaa

CK said...

McD doesn't have cheap meal deal for dinner ler.

Yes, I am too cheap to eat the full price meal. =\