23 February 2010

It's just a shirt, really

It's so rare that I get commented on what I wear except the "urgh, you look ridiculous/hideous/horrible in that attire" variety so when it happened today, it warrants an entry.

There should be no doubt that I have no fashion sense whatsoever, I just don't.

It would be nice to say I got complimented (*gasp!*) for the shirt I was wearing today but that would not be true, think I will stick with "my attire today garnered a few comments".

Wifey actually said I look good in the shirt before I left home this morning, she's my wifey so she is bound to say something nice to give me a cheerful start for the day. I supposed.

But then three different colleagues commented on my shirt, and didn't sound like the "urgh, ridiculous" variety so I guess it must be something.

The gist of their comments were:

"Oooh, is that a new shirt?" (Note: it's 'oooh' instead of 'urgh')

"You look young and cute in that shirt" (Argggggh! Cute*! The horror! >.< Okay, this might be the "urgh, ridiculous" variety)

"Are you really CK?" (since CK has no fashion sense, I am taking this as a good thing!)

* wanted to write about this 'cute' thing for a while now, but I need some images to go with the entry and am too lazy to look them up. Yay slacker point +1! =P

Not sure what to make from these comments, but the fact that the shirt actually attracted attention is blog-worthy enough for me.

I would love to claim that it's me who picked the shirt that prompted 4 comments (record!) but then it would be lying. See, though it's a new shirt for me, it's not a newly bought shirt. It's a hands down from my brother-in-law. =)

So all credits to him and I remain the guy with no fashion sense. ^_^

On a totally unrelated note:
Saw a motorcycle with PAN8888 number plate on my way home today. Wonder how much more did the vehicle registration number cost compared to the motorcycle?


PS =! play station said...

picture please :D

江边鸟 said...

This week alone I saw

CK wore a pink shirt + t-shirt fusion


Sailormoon in yellow dress + black stockings ~

CK said...

PS: ai meh?

Nelson: pink lai meh? Thought a shade of brown or orange... *shrug*