03 March 2009


Got the hardware bit sorted and was able to surf the net during the weekend. The instability of my favorite game server meant I didn't get to play any online game during the weekend though.

Oh well, at least there was internet.

However since yesterday, something has gone bonkers again. No matter what I do the modem simply refused to get a connection.

Arghhh, me no likey! >.<

Since even the unsecured wireless network that some neighbour of mine has was also down this morning, I missed the 07:00 hours meeting. Was thinking to go online and attend the meeting from home, you see.

Initially I thought it must be the *sarcasm on* oh-so-reliable-Streamyx *sarcasm off* went down for my area, judging purely from the unsecured wireless network that also couldn't get me online this morning.

But I am now writing this through the unsecured wireless network, and yet my home line still refuses to get me online.

Me is not happy. =(

Gotta give the *sarcasm on* oh-so-reliable-tmnet *sarcasm off* a call tomorrow.

Have to go learn some mad scolding skills from Hum Lee first.

Yes, I am assuming it's their fault even though I have no proof whatsoever! =P

No, my modem is not dead, at least I don't think it is...

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