31 October 2008

Vocabulary Lesson with CK (October 08)

bollocks noun

Bollocks, the "coconuts" a Sarawakian blogger often mentions about.

No, it's not a fruit, nor is it tumour shaped like coconut growing out of a body.

It's the male sex and endocrine gland that produces sperm and male sex hormones, as shown in the image below.

18SX warning! Look away if you take offend seeing perfectly normal body part.

image source

Bollock = "balls", also boringly properly known as the testicles.

Bollocks is often used to express frustration, or meaning nonsense or bullshit.

For example: "that's just complete bollocks!"

Bollocks is my word of choice to replace "shit", or "damn", thanks to Kate Winslet in The Holiday. It's a nice movie.

See the movie clip below, Kate said it at the very end.


munytang said...

bollocks!!! those are some big Bollocks!

Anonymous said...