20 October 2008

May the Pink Force Be with You

Some of my colleagues are, erm... "pink", their sexual preference is ambiguous. You know, being heterosexual (sexually attracted to members of the opposite gender) as well as homosexual (sexually attracted to members of the same gender).

Maybe they are just acting heterosexual to cover up their true homosexual nature since Malaysia is such a closed-minded country, hmm...

Anyway, I have nothing against homosexuality, but I draw my line when they try to drag me over to the pink side.

Like this...

I am straight! You hear me? Straight!

On an unrelated note, recently there is a new saying started by yours truely *ehem*:
"May the Task Force be with you!"

Task Force is the term for the fire fighting focus team when things went wrong and need to be fixed IMMEDIATELY. It's nasty, unpleasant and a sure way to slim down.

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