07 July 2008

Mangoes No More

Father sold his corner lot house in Bayan Baru. If all went as planned, the house will no longer be his property from mid of July.

That house holds a lot of memories, I spent most of my youth there.

The house has gone through many transformations. There used to be a hole in the wall between kitchen and dining area, which was eventually sealed. The garage has been transformed into a big room, the lounge extended along with it.

Flooring changed, doors and windows changed, front of the house changed from grass land to cement. I remember those.

Garden that was our football field, badminton court, BBQ place, et cetera

The garden has changed so many times I can no longer remember when we had what.

There used to be two sizable "artificial hills", one directly in front of our front door shielding the house from nosy passersby, and the other in the garden.

They were gradually reduced in size through the years. The front one disappeared completely when the cementing of the front of the house occured. The one in the garden shrank to about one-forth it's original size.

I learned how to ride a bicycle in the garden. It might well be in that house that I learned roller skating too. The one with two front and two rear wheels per side (quad skates), not the fancy single line wheels thingy (inline skates).

Vege corner that has provided all the vegetables we need and more

We used to have many fruit plants, which also reduced in number as the years went by.

We had pineapple, guava, watermelon, banana, jambul, and I think it was a longan tree that never bore us any fruits.

And of course, the mango trees. Good old mango trees.

I will miss the mangoes. I love mangoes, and the home grown ones were simply the best, they were the only fruit I missed when I was in England all those years.

Good grief, I will miss the mangoes sorely. =(

Father used to conduct class here, and he is good at it

Close friends of mine had their fair share of memories in the house too. After all, we spent many a nights chatting to the wee hours, recording silly album, playing table top game... The parties, the gatherings, the fun, the tears.

The good old days.

Oh well...

Damn, I will miss those mangoes! =(

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