15 December 2020


I have not been doing overtime since last Friday.

Well, more or less. Still did some work after I woke up in the weekend, but just for a relatively short duration and once I found out that the simulation cases had error I just quit instead of trying to resolve them. Left them till the weekday, the normal work hours.

And these few days I ended my work day at dinner time, more or less on time. Even if I turned on my laptop after dinner it's just something quick so comparatively that doesn't count as overtime.

At least that's what I am trying to convince myself.

I am done with working day and night and through weekend. I am done working overtime. Enough is enough.

Never ending changes and demands, the more I do the more I am asked to do.

It has reached the tipping point and was hovering there while I continued to burn myself out for the insane workload and due dates. Then it tipped over last Friday.

So ya, I am done. No more.

I will work on a more sensible pace and duration now, my wellbeing matters. At least the high level leaders seem to say so.

This is my current resolution. I am trying my best to stay true to it.

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

1 comment:

CK said...

Typical, as soon as I posted this, I had to work overtime and have just ended my work day.
