13 August 2024

Rat race results

The Risk and Rally event in Diablo Immortal has ended a few days ago.

I did surprisingly well and managed to secure the second place among the other wizard players competing in the event.

Woot! Second place!

By the end of the event I was 20 points behind the player in the first place, meaning in four dungeon runs I was not in the same score group of the first place player. Basically that means I wasn't in the top three shortest time group in those four dungeon runs, but was in the top 4th to 20th shortest time group instead.

Like I mentioned in the previous blog entry, the playing field for the event was fairly, but not totally, even. The Pay to Win players still have advantages of one-shot killing everything including the bosses, and whatever useful benefits from the high level 5 stars legendary gems over a Free to Play player like me.

First place player, 5k Resonance.

The first place player has 5k Resonance and fully upgraded primary gears. The third place player has 4k Resonance, also with fully upgraded primary gears. Those Resonance levels at this time of the game life are only achievable by Pay to Win players.

Third place player, 4k Resonance.

Resonance is a multiplier for primary gears base attributes, namely damage and life. So higher Resonance means higher damage and life.

Playing since Diablo Immortal launched on PC as a Free to Play player, I currently have 1.5k Resonance. I think it's reasonable at this point of time for Free to Play player to get up to 2k Resonance, but that's just my guess.

My 1.5k Resonance.

So I think I have proudly represented the Free to Play players in this Risk and Rally event, sure feels good to beat a 4k Resonance player, probably many more players with higher Resonance than mine down the ranks but I only checked the top three.

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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