11 August 2024

Power outage

Blackout around 16:00 hours today, sudden power outage without prior notice.

It's not just my condo, but surrounding area as well.

Nobody knows why, but someone must have reported because there were traffic police at the traffic light keeping order.

Went out for dinner and to pick up elder son from tuition, and when we came home, the TNB personnel was in the car right in front of us. After we passed security, we saw the worker talking on the mobile phone while unlocking the door to the TNB room that's within the condo compound.

And by the time we reached our unit, the power has come back on. So basically within five minutes of the TNB worker arriving, the issue was resolved.

Only thing is, it took TNB 3.5 hours to get here to fix a less than five minutes thing, probably just flip a switch or something, that caused power cut to the whole area.

Such horrible service, such appalling efficiency.

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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