16 August 2024


Received an email today informing me that one of the invention ideas approved for patent filing, and filed back in 2021, has finally been granted the patent.

This is the first time I received such email, so I happily shared the good news to a few close friends, saying finally I have a patent being granted.

Then out of curiosity I went and checked the tool that tracks our invention idea submission and patent filing status, and noticed there is in fact another filed patent already being granted.

I am positive I never received email informing me about patent granted prior to today, so I wonder if it's because the one I got notified today is filed in US while the other one that I wasn't notified is filed in Europe, hmm...

And interesting how the patent system in Europe works, besides one main body that oversees the whole Europe, the patent is also filed in countries like France, United Kingdom, et cetera. One patent filed in five different places.

Well, regardless, I now have two granted patents out of the four filed. I hope I will get plaques for them, that's actually what matter most for me.

Don't get me wrong, the award money is nice, but I care more about getting the plaque. Something solid and tangible to commemorate the achievement is a boon to people with goldfish memory.

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

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