20 August 2024

1 versus 3

Spin it however you want, the fact is we are doing three projects. The desired end results are three products out in the market some time next year.

Call it common chassis, fungibility, compatibility, reuse opportunity. Whatever. It does not change the amount of work I need to do, and that's three projects worth of workload.

To be generous, let's say it's 2.5 projects worth of workload, even though we need to specify which of the three clearly when we present our reports and assessments. Whatever.

Different mechanical engineers are assigned to work on different designs, but one thermal engineer for all three.

One thermal engineer (me), three projects, one deadline.

Funny it's the thermal engineer who found out from the deliverable from other functional teams that things don't fit.

Life would be easier if thermal assessment comes after the others are ready, instead of being the one who is running at the forefront, who has to keep updating and redoing the assessment as the information becomes available.

Set whatever deadline you want, disturb me at the end of the day as you like, it doesn't change the fact that thermal model generation and simulation takes time. Stressing me will not make it faster.

Probably slower instead.

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

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