08 August 2024

One more down, many more to go

Conducted two training classes to external customer on Monday and Tuesday, two hours session on each day.

That closed another one of those "extra" tasks that's not my core job but have to do for one reason or another.

This one wasn't so bad, because it's just knowledge sharing and it's about the things I am very familiar with.

Still need extra time and work to prepare the training material and extra time to conduct the classes. Not to mention I went on site purposely to conduct the classes, even though it's online session, because I don't want to be blamed for any internet issue, and commuting is always a big waste of time.

Well, many extra tasks besides the numerous tasks for core job. Oh, in fact also closed another miscellaneous thermal support task yesterday.

Work is never ending. Well, maybe when the company ends my employment.

Who knows, right?

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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