Next Monday is replacement holiday, and since if I don't take it, the leave will be burned given that I have reached the leave accumulation limit, so I took half day leave today.
Yes, that makes a 3.5 days long weekend. But no, it's not a break at all, as I will be working through the long weekend. No thanks to the project on hand.
I do, however, allow myself a half day off, and that's the second half of today.
Had three back to back meetings before my half day leave, immediately after the third meeting I continued to meet up with colleague friends for a tabletop gaming session.
Wonderful way to start my half day leave, really. =)
Last we played was September of last year, so it's a long eleven months of inactivity. It's good to reconnect and we played a new game called Pixies, which we figured out the scoring as we played.
Love the trash talk and banter, which made the session fun and lively. This is a group of colleagues who are for all intents and purposes, friends. We have met outside of work, we ate, we gathered, we sang, we played, we laughed together in many occasions throughout the years. Happy fun times. None of them is in the same department as I am now, but no ice breaking or warming up needed.
I did not resume work after the tabletop gaming session, and nor do I intend to tonight. I had a leisure afternoon surfing the net, played computer game, watched variety show, and after I posted this, I intend to do more of the same.
Work can wait till tomorrow, today is my half day off, and I shall honour it.
Other |enjoyable events| category entries.