24 July 2024

Random thoughts

Finally completed the second material for the upcoming training that I need to conduct. Spent too much time on it. Training in a few weeks, can't wait to get over with it.


Another thing I spent way too much time on is the career advancement stuff the manager roped me into. Interview is next Wednesday. Same thing, can't wait to get over with it, whatever the outcome. Just don't bother me any more.


Lunch out with wifey. Just the two of us. Korean. Don't get to do this often.


One of the workstations is down from that CrowdStrike screw-up. Too busy to go on site to handle it. Too tired too to be honest, to get up early to go to office to avoid traffic and to get one of those severely insufficient parking slots. Have to do it soon regardless, as struggling with simulation output with only one working workstation.


My tummy the size of three months pregnancy. Or thereabout, as wifey couldn't be sure, saying her tummy size was different during her pregnancies.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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