Dad was having high blood pressure yesterday. When trying to verify if both the blood pressure monitors are working properly and calibrated, did measurements on myself and wifey, and found that I too, have high blood pressure.
Wifey sent me some information on hypertension, and going through the symptoms list, it suddenly made sense that all those headache episodes I suffered had to be hypertension related.
Severe headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea, blurred vision or other vision changes, anxiety...
One of the ways to reduce the risk of hypertension, the first on the list in fact, is to reduce and manage stress. Ya... I cannot control the stress others induced, the worse part is I am lousy at managing stress, *sigh*.
I can't really avoid stress from work, I just hope I can avoid stress from home, especially from the elder son.
One can hope. Or die early.
Other |sane side| category entries.
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