22 May 2024


If I ever not have to worry about finance, if I had enough money for the whole family to live comfortably without needing to work, then I would most likely spend my time writing.

There are several stories in my mind. None of them complete, all half-cooked, and will stay that way unless I actually have long stretch of undisturbed time to start writing them down, to flesh them out, to have uninterrupted train of thought, to evolve into full stories.

I don't have that luxury, I barely manage to go through the week without working overtime and still have deliverables meeting my own standard. The reality is I have to work overtime every so often. Like today, a public holiday, but I need to work to ensure I can get things done, because too many meetings this week that waste my working hours.

So the stories remain in my mind, and every so often some new ideas or story arc will pop up, adding to the stories. My mind has been wandering more the usual these few days, hence this entry, and the piecemeal notes I scribbled down.

Initially wanted to have a short paragraph on the ideas that popped up these few days, but they are too fragmented, and I don't have the time to organise them and flesh them out into something that make sense.

Oh well, perhaps something to do when I retired.

Other |flickering fling| category entries.

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