15 May 2024

Resistance is futile

Manager set up a 1:1 meeting yesterday, initially I thought it was our monthly meet up, but it wasn't.

Let me put it up front that I sincerely appreciate my manager's acknowledgement of my worth, and her persistence in advancing my career path even when I am indifferent. She is a wonderful manager.

The meeting was her attempt to convince me to go for a career advancement, something she had tried and I had turned down since a couple of years ago.

Honestly I am just not into this kind of thing, I don't derive job satisfaction from title or grade. It will only give me more responsibilities which for someone who wants a simple life, is not really appealing.

I am just 'soggy mud' without high aspiration, perfectly fine with working in the background contributing to the best of my capability. I am not fond of networking, I don't really want more responsibilities, because knowing my personality, I would burn out myself to fulfill tasks until they meet my own standard. And I am getting too old for that.

But I said yes. Well, yes for her to put my name in her nomination list.

The way I figured is that my manager will probably keep asking me every year, so I may as well go through the process once and be done with it, one way or another. After all, there is no guarantee that I will pass the selection.

Guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it, whichever bridge that is.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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