26 May 2024

One way or another

As expected, elder son didn't put in any effort whatsoever and exceeded the average screen time limit goal of 4 hours.

In fact his average daily screen time is pretty much his recent usual, between 6 to 7 hours. This is the recent average, as the duration has been increasing over the weeks, he started around 4 hours.

Also as expected, his reaction to the consequence of his action is his usual anger, instead of bearing responsibility. The usual angry words and blaming others to shred accountability.

I knew by his response when I gave him gentle reminders throughout the week that instead of putting in the effort to improve himself, he was trying to cheat the system, thinking to trade smaller amount of penalty with bigger amount of over-usage.

If only he uses his smart on improving himself, because instead of a fixed penalty that he thought, it's actually a reactive system based on his actual screen time, meaning the time he went over the limit will be 'paid' in the following week in the form of days without phone. The numbers will all be derived from his previous week's screen time. So in essence, his action will determine his consequence.

When he finally realised it's a reactive system and not something he can cheat, he went through his usual tantrum. Yes, seventeen years old with tantrum.

Well, it's about time he faces the consequence of his own action.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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