05 October 2023

Not gonna make it

First season for Diablo IV, Season of the Malignant, will be over in about two weeks time.

Feel like it just started not long ago. How time flies.

Really don't have much gaming time lately, just completed my quarterly report yesterday and it's shocking the amount of thermal simulations I have done in last three months...

Ya, hence the lack of gaming time, as I was working on weekends, holidays and even annual leaves. *Sigh*

Anyway, I am playing the druid class in Diablo IV first season, a shapeshifting druid. I started off with a werewolf build but it became too fragile when I started the tier three difficulty, progress became a frustrating grind.

So I gave up on being different and looked up a cookie cutter werebear build. Survivability went up so progress becomes less frustrating, still feel too grindy for my liking, and now I am just like the other druids... =(

Given the season will end in about two weeks time and I am just level 57 at the moment, I don't see how I could complete the season journal in time, especially since I only really have time for proper gaming in the weekend. Well, weekend when I am not working overtime, that is.

So ya, looks like I am not going to make it. Oh well, a shame.

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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