24 October 2022

Short trip

Just got back from a three days two nights trip. Home sweet home.

It's more like 51 hours away from home but I am exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Especially emotionally.

Travelling is stressful for me, what with the motion sickness, the bad back, the difficulty in sleeping in other's bed.

I am very glad that I get to see mommi and pappi, the aunties and cousin. Gladder still that pappi decided to stay with us for the two nights and spent many quality hours together, including celebrating his birthday. It has been many years since we got to do that.

But I am also saddened after seeing mommi. She can no longer recognise me, and there is that great sense of helplessness and hopelessness.

Initially I wanted to get some work done in the remaining of the day, since I have been working many weekends now to keep up with work and management wants some results as soon as possible, but I am drained.

Both my head and my heart are heavy.

Other |tiresome travels| category entries.

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