18 October 2021

Prick struck again

Spoiler prick struck again, this time is about the Squid Game drama.

Despite knowing I haven't finished watching the series, and my gentle reminder of "Say no to spoiler" when they started discussing the drama storyline, the prick continued to disclose more spoilers when the others courteously stopped.

Prick will be prick. This particular one is especially egotistic and self-centred.

When he started to harp on the same old lines about it's okay to post spoiler after a certain period of time or after a certain percentage of people have watched the movie/drama, whichever suits his purpose really, and totally missed the crucial point that it's perfectly fine to do so with those who want to, and not with those who don't, I knew it's time to pull the plug on this toxic person.

He can give whatever lame excuse he has for his behaviour, but shoving something down someone's throat when that someone explicitly said no is an act of bullying, an intentional transgression.

The others in the chat group said nothing about his behaviour so I guess it's just me having issue with this. Perhaps it's because I am pretty much always the slowest to watch a movie or drama, but whatever, I do not condone this kind of behaviour, and I don't want to be part of it.

Two strikes and every signs indicating the prick will continue to be a jerk, I am old enough to know that life is too short to be wasted on incompatible, toxic people. I am out.

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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