15 October 2021


Despite having over 101000 active Covid-19 cases and around 8000 new infection cases every day, the government has decided to lift the movement control order, claiming the 90% vaccination rate will suffice.

Children who are not yet vaccinated or too young to be vaccinated, and those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reason or personal choice are now the vulnerable group.

Younger son just turned twelve so wifey sent him for walk-in vaccination today, at least he got his first dose now. I will breathe easier when both sons have had their second dose.

My heart goes out to those who have children younger than twelve, who are still not eligible for vaccination.

Never let your guard down, even when fully vaccinated, as we can still be infected.

Have no delusion, Covid-19 is not over, don't be fooled into a false sense of security.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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