27 June 2021


For some reason he himself could not explain (or simply would not tell me), my elder son went and bought a card game. Nothing wrong with that, I am a gamer and I like tabletop game, only he bought a Japanese language card game when he doesn't know the language.

So he spent hours searching online for translation of all the cards, took the time to note down everything. Wish he could have the same devotion to his study...

Anyway, so he roped his brother into playing with him, only it didn't went well since they both had to refer to his notes for every single card.

Seeing the frustration and pretty much complete absence of enjoyment (which is the whole point of playing game!), I suggested that they try another card game I have: Munchkin.

I last wrote about Munchkin in 2012, when I bought the eighth expansion. Munchkin holds a special place in my heart as it is the first tabletop game I bought after I started working, and it's the first game I introduced to, and played with, my colleague friends.

Many fond memories of those good old times.

Anyway, the kids like Munchkin. Given their usual 'five minutes passion', not sure how long this will last but they are really into it for the time being.

It's a minimum three players game so I got roped in as well, and when wifey finally joined us yesterday night, it became a family bonding activity these few days. ^_^

The wicked sense of humour, the play on words, all those Munchkinly stuff, I likey! =P

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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