04 October 2020

Landscape this week

Snowball has been with us for a few weeks now. We learned more and more about it as it adapts to its new home.

Snowball lives in two 68x50x39cm3 plastic containers, interconnected by ribbed plastic tubes. According to the research wifey and the kids did before we got the hamster, a single container of that size is sufficient for a comfortable living space for a hamster.

We want Snowball to be happy and comfy, hence we give it two containers as living space. Initially the plan was one container for sleeping, bathing and eating, while the other as a play area with the wheel and other stuff we bought or made for it.

Snowball doesn't care about the distinction, it sleeps, eats and shits where it pleases. =P

Over time we made or bought more and more stuff for Snowball, there are many chew toys, way too many tunnels, two mazes, many cardboard buildings of various shapes and sizes, and two staircase towers. We cannot fit all the stuff in its two containers so most of them are left out and rotated in when we change the container layout every week.

Yea, we clean the containers on a weekly basis and we also change the layout of the containers then. Still, there are stuff that never got into the containers so far, like the mazes, which we only use when we take Snowball out of the containers and let it play on the ground, within a large fenced area.

Anyway, this week, I cramped as many cardboard buildings as I can into a container, while leaving the other without any (except the sand bath, which is also a cardboard box). The idea is one container is a cityscape full of buildings and with narrow alleys, while the other container is a countryside.

We will find out if Snowball is more an urban hamster or a rural hamster, hehe.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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