17 May 2020


Durian, yummy.

A fruit that starts with the character D, same as devil or demon, so it must be good! =P

Okay, not good on my wallet, waistline, and my cough, but still good!

Got three delivered to us yesterday, and wifey and I had a wonderful time.

We are not big eaters though, so there are some leftovers for today.

No particular craving to be honest, just as self-respecting durian lovers we will usually get a few when it's durian season, and when the price is reasonable.

We could go without when the price is unreasonable, happened before.

But anyway, my pee smelled like durian this morning, the power of the king of fruits, kekeke.

Granted, they are those who don't like durian, like our kids, not sure if it's the smell, the texture, just psychological, whatever.

But good, more for me then, hope they continue to not like durian, hehehe.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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