This entry is first drafted on the 2nd of January 2020, expanded on the 3rd, and added a link to a relevant article today.
I am writing this with the intention of holding on to it until I posted something else since I don't want my first entry of a new year to be a rant.
The gist of it is that someone spoiled the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker for me by posting a main plot of the movie in a WhatsApp group.
Initially I was just annoyed, unhappy about it, but chalking it as a careless mistake of an often over-excited, notorious spammer who pretty much always shove things down other people's throat through all his available social media channels.
I voiced my displeasure, since who likes to have a movie spoiled before getting a chance to see it?
Maybe there are people who like spoilers, who like to know what's going to happen in a movie before they see it, but I am definitely not one of them.
In fact, it's pretty well known among my old lunch gang that I hate it, which of course became one of the things the gang made fun of.
Those who watched movies soon after they were out would say they were going to talk about the movie, just to get a rise out of me. Never seemed to get old for them.
But nobody actually said or posted any spoilers. It's simple manner really.
Until now.
I was annoyed initially, but now I am really pissed off.
Because not only did the prick feel no remorse, he said it's alright to post spoilers two weeks after the movie is out, that it's my own fault I haven't watched it, that I am slow.
He can give as many lame excuses as he likes, jerks will be jerks.
I know him well enough, he will probably accuse me of being too serious next, trying to make light of it as a joke.
Well, I am old enough to know not to waste my time on toxic person.
And no thank you, I don't need to have my next anticipated movie spoiled because I don't watch the movie within two weeks of it being out, or whatever time period that suits him next.
Let's hope the WhatsApp block function works.
The below is added in a later date.
Nope, blocking someone in WhatsApp doesn't do any good in group chat. I was hoping I will stop seeing that person's messages in group chat but no dice.
Guess my other option is to leave the group, oh well. Maybe when the next movie I care about comes out.
And unsurprisingly, the prick is still harping on about it's okay to talk about the movie after two weeks, quoting someone said so. Pure coincidence it's the same time period, to the dot, as when he watched the movie and couldn't keep his mouth shut.
He then tried to get the others to talk about it to lessen his guilt.
Of course it's okay to talk about the movie you watched, go ahead and discuss it with those who want to, whenever you like to, like as soon as you finished watching it. Why bother with some period of time someone else said?
The timing doesn't matter one bit, a spoiled movie is a spoiled movie for those who haven't watched it and who are looking forward to the enjoyment watching it.
The point the prick totally missed, or chose to ignore because that implies he is in the wrong (ridiculous! The prick is never wrong! Yea, I broke my sarcasm meter a long time ago...), is that it's common courtesy to ask first, or at least put a spoiler warning, before you blurt.
You know, let those who don't want to know or discuss with you have the option not to be involved.
Something any decent person would understand and do, surely.
But I guess it's like common sense, common courtesy or decency is not common at all. Else there wouldn't be so many jerks and pricks around, right?
Or is it something like what this article (in Mandarin) says?
Anyway, onto the shit list he goes.