08 July 2018

I believe I can fly

World of Warcraft next expansion, the 7th, Battle of Azeroth, is coming out next month, and I final freakingly can use my flying mount in the current 6th expansion, Legion.

finally revered with Armies of Legionfall

Reputation grind is da suck!

Actually, any grind is da suck! >_<

Of course all these tedious, boring, mind-numbing, time consuming grinds are for the sole purpose of monthly fee, it serves nothing meaningful in game storyline or content.

Instead of content that keeps the players playing, they use all these grinds. Bollocks!

Must have been working since they continue to do so, I guess I am the minority that got so sick of it after a while and have to go on hiatus from the game to reset my grind-tolerance meter.


They even force players to group up to do dungeons or group content for progression, hate it so much! What's wrong with me enjoying the game on my own, solo, at level appropriate content?


rather be playing another class than grinding

Anyway, I lost my level 90 boost when I purchased Legion, so this time I used my level 100 boost before the next expansion, which I probably will not buy for a while yet since I am going on hiatus after the current subscription runs out.

I like this loading screen =)

Used the level 100 boost on my Horde Death Knight. I don't have enough time for my Horde characters, no thanks to the stupid grinds.

Much rather be playing another class or another faction than grinds, do you hear me, Blizzard?

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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