15 July 2018


"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Don't know why that Marauder's Map activation phrase just popped into my head right before I write this entry, but fitting in a sense, I supposed, since this entry is going to be a bit of tongue in cheek.

I have been working since I woke up, on a Sunday, shame on me!

Well, as a self-respecting slacker extraordinaire who also respects the weekend, I haven't been up all that long but still, I have been working till lunch, and then after lunch till about half an hour ago. 

Since I had to send out meeting minutes, release note, reminder and such, in which some involving colleague friends who may call me out on such un-slacker-ish behaviour, I figured I may as well admit it up front.

Yea yea, I am working on a weekend, and I still have a major task to do later that will take hours, so it's really an overtime working day in essence.

I know, I know, I am absolutely ashamed of myself. slacker point -1

It has gotten to a stage where there no longer is any point bringing up my bandwidth concern because it does me no good whatsoever, in fact, it usually followed with me getting more work and tasks assigned.

So yea, bollocks!

Alrighty then, "mischief managed."

Other |nutty nuts| category entries.

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