15 October 2013

What if... Rich Romance?

About a month ago, I had a pondering moment and took down some notes to capture those thoughts.

Earlier this month, in my haste to finish an entry so I could go watch Running Man, I wrote something regarding those thoughts that could have been misinterpreted.

"...like my pondering on timing of starting a romantic relationship and the consequence"

Never seen wifey reacted so fast and so strongly to my blog post. =P

Anyway, here's what I actually meant.

After the puppy love, the fruitless crushes, I finally found someone who is willing to let me hold her hand and to reciprocate my feelings.

And so started my first (and only) romantic relationship.

I was in college then, financially dependent with only pocket money as my sole 'income'. The courting lasted 99 months before we got married, and for the majority of that 99 months, I only had what I saved.

When I finally landed myself with a job and started to have steady income, the firstborn was on his way. Basically I never have much financially so my romantic dates and outings had pretty much been frugal.

So I wonder, what would it be like if I was financially independent with surplus to splurge before or when I started a romantic relationship?

My dear would be delighted I am sure, for she loves travelling. Trips all around the globe with comfortable transportation and accomodation. You know, luxury vacations and meals in comfort and leisure.

We would have so many precious and wonderful memories at various countries and places. Everywhere she likes to go, anything she likes to do, in style.

I know she is not a meterialistic person but how nice it would be to be able to afford lavish gifts and whatever she likes without having to worry too much about the cost.

How different it would have been...

I only have my poor student style dates, outings, and trips. All on budget and cutting out whatever we could, of course.

Don't get me wrong, the date, the trips, the things we did together, mostly economical though they were, were precious to me.

It's just food for thought, what if we were able to have material-centric indulgence when we dated? How would the courting be instead then?

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