07 May 2012


Once in a long while, me and my buddies will hit the karaoke to unleash our singing prowess.

Actually it's more like to release some pent up tension but the previous statement sounds better. =P

This time there is cause for celebration as well. As per the running tradition, the fortunate few treated the rest of us to this session.

What's better than karaoke? FREE karaoke of course! =D

So here's hoping we have this reason to celebrate every year.

Needless to say I shouted my head off without a care, it's good that I do not have a reputation to maintain, hehe.

The only thing missing, was the lack of female voice for all the duets that we like to sing. Hard though he tried, it's just different with Nelson using his banshee fake female voice.

Gave us the goose bumps. The nasty type, not the nice type.

For your information, here's an example of the nice type of goose bumps.

Looking for more female singers, the silent and shy ones need not apply. We only want the sporty, fighting for mic ones. =P

No, really.

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