17 October 2010

Work/Life Balance

Booted the laptop, opened the programme as well as the document.

All set to go. The wearisome task of understanding and then translating codes to layman's terms.

Yet, for a long, long while, all I have done was staring at the screen.

Rational sense dictates that I should grab whatever time I have to get this done as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

But the heart is not in it. It's bloody Sunday for goodness sake!

My inner angel and demon are duking it out while I sat there being assaulted by contradicting thoughts and emotions. Indecisive.

To work or not to work? That's the question.


HoneyBee said...

It's Sunday! Give yourself a break!

CK said...

In order to go for the big break, I cannot afford the small breaks...