04 October 2010

So happy to see you!

This one is for my dear friend Lily, otherwise known as Veronica (it's like her artistic alias or something), or more commonly the siao cha bo. =P

Received an e-mail from Veronica the
model extraordinaire today asking me why there's no October entry on my blog.

After I got over the shock of knowing there is actually someone following my blog, we found out that the reason she wasn't seeing my previous entry was simply because her internet connection was cacat. The entry loaded after a few minutes. =P

She asked why I didn't write anything on Lynn & Jeff's wedding, which we attended last Friday.

Hmm... she probably doesn't understand slackerdom very well. Last Friday only wor, which self-respecting slacker would post a writeup so soon after an event one? Have a reputation to maintain, okay? ^_^

Told her I got no photos yet to go with the writeup (if I do write about it, that is), and besides, need the right mood and feelings to write something one mar. Told her I don't know what to write since I haven't got the "feel" yet (translation: slackerdom =P). My mood was pretty much dominated by the incident of my younger son falling off the bed that night, hence the previous entry.

Anyhow, shouldn't have bothered explaining, since she wasn't interested in all that. This reply from her summed up what she's really after:

Nvm one... chin chai put a line said you were very happy to see me again...


Sorry huh Lily, I freely admit I am not very good at expressing myself verbally, face to face encounter makes me timid. I am slightly better with written communication and since you siao enough to ask for it we so friend friend, here's it:

Yo Lily, I was so veli the happy to see you again that night!

Happy? =P

Honestly, mightily glad to see you again. ^_^


LingLi said...

eh...sound like terpaksa to write one....

Anyway,it is fun to read your blog. Thanks for sharing

CK said...

Really really happy to see you one!

Don't be like that lar, write also kena, don't write also kena...

Thanks for reading. ^_^