17 June 2010


There is this group of people, who directly or indirectly caused a major oil leak that impacted many lives surrounding the leakage area. This group of people stood up and bore full responsibility for the unfortunate incident. They made formal statements and apologies on the media. They set up funds to help the affected community, funds to repair the damages, basically funds to help make things right again. In addition, they would not be giving out dividens to their shareholders as a token show of their commitment to their course of making things right.

On the other hand, there is this group of people, who directly caused the collapse of the global economy that impacted the whole world. This group of people pointed fingers and blamed others for the incident. They made suggestions and accusations of who or what to blame on the media. They sat and waited for countries to initiate economy recovery plans and relied heavily on the East. To top things up, they gave themselves big bonuses using governmental funds for their handiwork of collapsing the global economy.

Same species, yet so different in attitude.


江边鸟 said...

and you are working in a company of latter species :p

CK said...

It's the same species ler...

Anyway, attitude belongs to us, not company.