14 February 2009

Happy BCYD!

To those who believe in, and celebrate Businessmen-Con-You-Day Valentine's Day, here's wishing you am amorous and romantic day!

My personal view hasn't changed, so I won't repeat what I said, the article I linked to in the comment of that post is a great read.


江边鸟 said...

I thought what is BCYD
Rupa-rupa u've invented this acronym already for a year!! :D

Happy BCYD ~ and don't worry, I'm still intact now, sure can see u in office on Monday one, kekekeke

munytang said...

they've done a successful job of brainwashing the women. now if we can just successfully brainwash men and make sure they don't cave in the face of pressure... we might be able to make valentines disappear!

CK said...

The world needs willing people and those with deep pocket to fatten the businessmen.

Some sheeps are just happy or think it's worth it to be slaughtered, why change that?
