24 February 2008

"Goodbye my love..."

Goodbye my love 我的爱人 再见
Goodbye my love 相见不知哪一天...

Just because it's a farewell party we had to sing this song. Problem is, we only knew the first phrase.

Oh, but we had fun. Mayhap farewell party was just a cover up for us to have fun, heh.


Farewell doesn't have to be sad faces and tears, farewell can be smiley faces and cheery while silently crying inside. Happy memories tend to stay longer in my mind than sad ones.

Anyway... this is not a wordy wordy entry, I really just want to show some photos.

This lady sang a few solos, we became her fans

If she could hold more mics, she would!

Two incredible singers, don't play play!

Photo says it all... (don't kill me ladies)

Lucky fan got to be so close to his idol, me jealous nia

The real deal was keeping a low profile

Really I do!

Yes, I quite agree with the ladies

Someone please take the mic away!

I tried...

So... sleepy... need... banana...

当你踏上月台 从此一个人走
深深的祝福你 最亲爱的朋友

Good luck and best wishes to you Ai Kiar, may you achieve whatever you are seeking.

Keep in touch.

23 February 2008


"Shall we get this black forest cake then?"

"Wait, how about this one?"

"Wahahaha! Bright pink heart-shaped cake!"

"Let's do it!"

"Hahaha! I know just the name to put on the cake"

"Could you write 宝珍, 生日快乐 (Bao Zhen, happy birthday) on the cake please?"

"How about 宝珍, 我爱你 (Bao Zhen, I love you)?"

"Wah! Too much lar!"

And that's how we ended up with the bright pink heart-shaped cake for the birthday girl boy - 宝珍, 宝金, Polly, (or if you are really boring) Paul.

Da cake, can you feel the love?

23 years young and looking pretty, the age indicated by the candles might be misleading...

宝珍 has lots of friends

Probably because of the sweet sounding name...

Happy belated birthday 宝珍 Paul!
(Photos are courtesy of Paul)

21 February 2008

CNY 2008

Last day of Chinese New Year, fifteen days went by just like that.

After all these years away, am surprised to find that there is actually not much difference between the way I celebrated Chinese New Year overseas and here back home.

A reunion dinner, a visit to the in-laws, then it's back to the normal working life, with the occasional gathering of friends. That's it.

The two public holidays in Malaysia are nice, in UK everyone works as normal. The reunion dinner with family was a nice change, in UK we did it with friends. Festival music, festival biscuits and cakes, fireworks, lion dance, et cetera added to the new year mood, these were not common in Nottingham while I was there.

Gave out ang pow in Chinese New Year for the very first time, that's memorable.

None of my friends or colleagues visited me during Chinese New Year though.

Me sad.

16 February 2008

A Touch of Blue

I have removed this "heavy" entry since I want to keep this blog casual.

Those who care had seen it or know where to look anyway.

13 February 2008


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, may Cupid be with those seeking love and may all pure and beautiful romances be fruitful.

On the other hand, those committing immoral affairs, adulteries, looking for one-night-stand can go rot in hell.

I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Valentine's Day, I do however have major beef with those damnable businessmen who capitalised on a day dedicated to love and romance.

Trust me, there is no shortage of roses, chocolates or food in fancy restaurants. There will be an influx in demand but I assure you there is no shortage in the supply.

Go back to the same florist, candy shop or fancy restaurant the very next day, the exact same stuff you paid an arm and a leg on Valentine's Day will be readily available on a much reduced price, in fact, it may have dropped back to the normal price.


I refuse to be a senseless consumer acting like heedless sheep going straight into the slaughterhouse. The more senseless consumers there are, the bigger the businessmen will build their slaughterhouses.

I cannot change the flock of white sheeps but I hope in being the black sheep going the other direction, I might perhaps cause some of them to think about it. At the very least, I am happy with the thought that there is at least one sheep that's not going to be butchered.

So I don't celebrate Valentine's Day on principle, and I am glad I have a partner that shares the same principle. We celebrate our love any day of the year, just not on Valentine's Day.

Actually, we just don't celebrate in a way that will feed the greedy businessmen, basically no purchase of stuff with inflated price. So roses, candies, and eating out in fancy restaurant are done whenever we feel like it, like on the anniversary of our first date, wedding anniversary, birthdays, and any other impromptu day when we want to express our love in a materialistic way.

Just not on Valentine's Day.

Feel free to join the black sheep! =)


Honeybee and SmallFlyPig, I love you! Come back to Penang already...

Time out

To those who are wondering why I didn't turn up to work today, thanks for the thought and I am fine.

Just an impromptu desire to take the day off and chill out. Been feeling weary these few days and a breather will do me good.

Well, I hope so anyway.

11 February 2008

Random Thoughts

A not so nutty and a tad mushy entry posted on Sharing Corner.

Probably more suitable there since I want to maintain a silly atmosphere here, heh.

Well, head over there already! Just click the link above, you know you want to!

Okay you probably don't want to, but go read anyway. =P

Feel free to leave your comments here. (Who am I kidding?)

07 February 2008

Gong Xi Gong Xi

Happy Chinese New Year!


In the last ten years, I "celebrated" Chinese New Year overseas with friends, just a meal together really. Chinese New Year had always clashed with spring exam in my undergraduate years, not nice.

Finally able to celebrate with family after all these years. Helped to put up the red cloth and some simple decoration earlier after the reunion dinner.

Not much, but something.

Have pretty much forgotten what we do during Chinese New Year, I just want to rest as much as I can really.

Anyway, here's wishing all of you a wonderful rat year!

06 February 2008

How evil?

Yes, "comprehent" is a typo, it should be comprehend.

But hey, this is the
real CK!

03 February 2008

A few things...

A few things about this blog that I would like you to know. You probably already knew but I just like to kay po. =P

1. This is a personal blog open to the public

I like to write and I like to share, but what I like and what I think may not be what you like and what you think (I think you think I think you think I no think what you think I think you think. =P). Thank goodness for that! Imagine a world where everybody thinks alike and has identical preference... B-O-R-I-N-G!

I write about things happening around me, things important to me, and things I find humorous. Yup, me me me, and more me! It's all about me since the world revolves around me! =P

Personal blog, I hope you get the point.

If you were one of those people who cannot accept any other way beside your way, or if you were one of those who lacks a twisted sense of humour, then may I suggest that you get your stiff and lofty arse out of here now?

This blog contains a wide selection of nuts, if you are allergic to nuts, read at your own risk.

Or simply don't read. =)

2. Linking to a specific entry

If you want to link to this blog, you use this: http://paper-arrow.blogspot.com/.

If you want to point someone to a specific blog entry, then it's better to get the unique url for said entry instead of just giving the link above. This is because newest entry will be posted top most and the old ones will be further down and eventually off the main page and be archived.

Not nice mar if you just want to show your friend one of the old entries but he or she has to go through all other posts to locate it.

Not that the other posts are not worth reading, mind you! =P

To get the unique url you just have to click on the title of the entry, this will load the entry on its own, with the added benefit of showing all the comments posted for that entry, if any.

Then just copy that unique url to your friend lor, easy peasy!

3. Yes you can leave comments

Some people actually are not aware of this, maybe they just don't care *sniff sniff*, but anyone can leave comments.

It's entry specific, meaning the comments are attached to the end of the post. It also means that you have to post your comments to the relevent entry for them to make sense. Posting a comment in one of February's entries talking about one of November's entries won't get you jailed (don't worry! hehehe), just confusing.

Don't worry if you think I would not notice your comments on old entries, Blogspot will send me an e-mail when someone posted a comment, it tells me to which entry the comment was posted. Very handy.

Come on, leave some comments leh! Tell me how great and enjoyable you find my write-ups mar. What are your thoughts on the topic? What typo did I make? etc.

It's always nice to know someone other than myself is actually reading what I wrote. =P

01 February 2008







