13 February 2008


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, may Cupid be with those seeking love and may all pure and beautiful romances be fruitful.

On the other hand, those committing immoral affairs, adulteries, looking for one-night-stand can go rot in hell.

I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Valentine's Day, I do however have major beef with those damnable businessmen who capitalised on a day dedicated to love and romance.

Trust me, there is no shortage of roses, chocolates or food in fancy restaurants. There will be an influx in demand but I assure you there is no shortage in the supply.

Go back to the same florist, candy shop or fancy restaurant the very next day, the exact same stuff you paid an arm and a leg on Valentine's Day will be readily available on a much reduced price, in fact, it may have dropped back to the normal price.


I refuse to be a senseless consumer acting like heedless sheep going straight into the slaughterhouse. The more senseless consumers there are, the bigger the businessmen will build their slaughterhouses.

I cannot change the flock of white sheeps but I hope in being the black sheep going the other direction, I might perhaps cause some of them to think about it. At the very least, I am happy with the thought that there is at least one sheep that's not going to be butchered.

So I don't celebrate Valentine's Day on principle, and I am glad I have a partner that shares the same principle. We celebrate our love any day of the year, just not on Valentine's Day.

Actually, we just don't celebrate in a way that will feed the greedy businessmen, basically no purchase of stuff with inflated price. So roses, candies, and eating out in fancy restaurant are done whenever we feel like it, like on the anniversary of our first date, wedding anniversary, birthdays, and any other impromptu day when we want to express our love in a materialistic way.

Just not on Valentine's Day.

Feel free to join the black sheep! =)


Honeybee and SmallFlyPig, I love you! Come back to Penang already...

1 comment:

CK said...

Someone who can put it a thousand times better (at least) than I possibly can.