08 January 2013

Actionable Plans

Honestly, I am getting a bit tired of myself always failing to achieve my new year resolutions, so this year I set some lame and easily achievable resolutions instead! immediately went about formulating actionable plans after I set my resolutions.

I don't expect to achieve all my resolutions, but I am hoping with definite actionable plans I can at least achieve some or at least improve in some instead of utter failure like previous years. -_-

- be a better father -

I have always been playing the "bad cop" part of the 'good cop bad cop' tag team with my wifey when it comes to our children's discipline. A role that I have no qualm doing since wifey, being so close to them all the time, loses some of the "power". Plus, I am the stricter of the two while wifey's the friendlier, the more socialable (and nicer, prettier, sweeter, et cetera). But anyway, I sincerely know that I don't spend enough time with my kids.

My current plan is to spend some time every weekend building LEGO stuff with both of them, basically guiding them in building something. We did robots last week, and this week we are going to build tanks. ^_^

I probably have to think of something else when they got bored of LEGO, but at least this is a start.

- be a better husband -

Unfortunately, despite asking my wifey every day, she still hasn't come up with anything she wants me to improve on, except spend more time with the kids, which to me, is to do with being a better father, not being a better husband.

Well I know I am a good husband. Yes I am saying this without any shame, guilt, or pang on my conscience. But surely there are areas for improvement, surely I can be a better husband.

Unfortunately without wifey's honest feedback, I do not have any actionable plans to achieve this resolution. Unless I just want to pretend I am already the perfect husband so this resolution is moot...

But I know better.

- socialise more -

I... still don't know what to say about this one. Yes I am antisocial. Yes I am a stay-at-home recluse. Yes that's not very nice and so yes I should socialise more.

But... but... I don't want to. People are so complicated, it's scary out there.

I suppose to start with I should not reject any invitation for outings, not that I have many.

I am so going to fail this one. >_<

- read more novels than 2012 -

Reading everyday, every night before I go to sleep, and aiming for 3 novels every month. Not much of a plan, but that's the plan.

- get back to photography -

This is an iffy one. Truely a spur of the moment resolution.

I did put in quite a bit of effort so far though, started an interest group with friends whom I am comfortable discussing photography with. With the aim of having a monthly theme where we give our best shot and then give honest feedbacks to the others, so we learn from others perspective and hopefully improve.

I know if I try to go about this alone I will most likely fail, I need some peer pressure to keep the motivation and momentum.

And I have a feeling pretty soon I will be wanting for money to buy a DSLR. >_<

The ball has just begun rolling, I hope it will keep rolling for a good long while.

Anyone want to sponsor me a DSLR? Anyone?

- write a story -

I have no actionable plan for this one. I need to be in the mood to write, and I am not sure if forcing myself to write will do any good.

I am leaving this one to fate. Perhaps there will just be a few weekends or a short holiday when the mood struck. I sincerely hope so.


Anonymous said...

so you want to take trial run on somebody wedding event bo?^O^

CK said...

that somebody already asked me to forget it.