03 January 2013

2013 Resolutions & Wishes

Here's the 2012's version, and not surprisingly, I failed miserably.


Grumble less and smile more, not sure on these two, will need others to tell me how I did on these.

As for going home on time, i.e. after working 9.5 hours, my record showed I worked seriously overtime, i.e. more than 10.5 hours at least 38 times last year. Those did not include working at night after I got home, if I count those, then it would be easier to count the days I did not work at night after I got home... Failed. -_-

As for the wishes, I didn't get to sleep more. I worked a lot more in 2012 it's seriously a crazy year in that sense. Income got peanut size increment instead of 50%. Card/board game frequency was still so low it's pathetic. Didn't write any story of any length, and read 3 less novels compared to 2011.

Failures aplenty, gah!

So, why should I bother to set any resolutions for 2013? So that I can know how much I fail come 2014? Am I such masochist?

The few things that popped up in my mind this very moment (dammit! I guess I am a masochist! >_<):

- be a better father, i.e. spend more time with the kids

- be a better husband, I don't know how or in what sense, I just want to be

- socialise more, er... ya, I know, I... don't know what to say on this...

- read more novels than 2012, really like to be able to achieve this

- get back to photography, this just popped into my head

- write a story, any length, any language, just at least write one

I don't know whether they are resolutions or just wishes, but I really like to be able to achieve those. Honestly I do.

I need to go calibrate with my dearest wifey so I have some definite actionable plans towards becoming a better hubby.

Socialising more is... I don't know, I just feel that I should. Don't always stay home being antisocial. More friends is always a good thing right?

Read more. I like reading, and I thought the more we read, the faster we get, so why am I becoming slower instead? =\

Photography. I have always love photography, I just can't justify the cost of upgrading myself to the digital era when I don't have the time nor the heart for it. I can't see myself putting this as priority, I just can't, but it popped into my mind. Darn.

As for writing a story, I truely believe I can do this. I have no excuse except I am lazy and am such a slacker.

So anyway, here we go again...

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