29 September 2024

Win, but

Did not work overtime this weekend, win!

Did not turn on the laptop at all, so no self-deceiving 'less than 30 minutes so does not count as working overtime' scam.

Would have been a solid win if not for the disabling headache today.

Shortly after lunch, the headache just happened, and became more and more severe gradually, until it forced me to be zombie-like in bed.

Took a shower and some painkillers before dinner, as need to be chauffeur after dinner to pick up brother from the airport. Need to be functional.

The painkillers helped, rendered it akin to background pain instead of crippling pain. Still pain, but functional.

Shame really, would have been a real win if not for the headache. Instead of two days worth of rest and relax, I am ending the weekend nursing a headache.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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