27 September 2022

Diablo Immortal, eleven weeks in

Have been playing Diablo Immortal since it arrived for Asia Pacific, slightly more than eleven weeks ago.

Many call it a 'pay to win' game, I have no dispute there. It's just that I belatedly realised it's not simply 'pay to win', because it's more like 'pay to get a chance to win'.

It's still down to random number generator, so it's luck. It's gamble.

Those who sunk a lot of money in do get to see the power gap between them and those who choose to play free. It's a whitewash most apparent in PvP content.

So in other words, it sucks for those who choose 'free to play' in those content, because skill matters little. Them 'pay to win' whales will just steamroll the 'free to play' players.

I was about to stop playing my first character and be done with the dull daily grind that achieve very little in progression when I was recruited into an active clan that eventually became the Immortal. That brought some new contents for me to experience and kept me playing the last few weeks.

But eventually the novelty wore off and it's the crappy grind all over again. I am not surprise at all that so many people quit, it's very apparent from the clan membership.

I have started another character simply because I like to play all the classes from scratch, but I am not sure if I can bear the dreadful grind over and over again.

Game with this kind of business model is not for me.

Comparatively, Diablo III season 27 has started and even though I pretty much only play Diablo III once or twice in the weekend, I have made meaningful and tangible progress on the season journal. I am already more than half way through! That kind of grind is a lot more satisfying and fulfilling.

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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