11 February 2022

Friday finally

What an arduously long, exhaustingly busy and overwhelmingly stressful week!

When will the managers understand to use 'week' as the time unit when it comes to thermal simulation, not 'day'.

Despite the many reminders and past experiences, some people just never learned.

Perhaps because the one burning the midnight oil and losing sleep is not them...

Failing to plan is planning to fail, if you have such big ambition or grand idea that needs thermal simulation support, you plan ahead and give your thermal engineer the time needed to do the job properly.

Rushed job is crappy job, and it does not go well with the perfectionist within me. I hate giving subpar results when I know I can do better given the proper time.

I have my own standard to pass for what I deliver, no thanks for ruining that for me.

All that stressful time and effort ended up a waste anyway, bollocks!

Fish and duck it! I am not working overtime this weekend.

I am glad Friday working hours are over. Truly I am.

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

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