25 February 2022


Things nowadays, damn cacat!

Ya, that's a Malay word.

If you have never viewed this blog using a web browser, and only seen the mobile version, then you really should see the web browser version and read those texts under the blog title.

Yes, those texts have been there since day one of this blog. ^_^

Anyway, back to the cacat stuff that I have the misfortune to be using nowadays.

Refreshed my work laptop recently, didn't have the brand I trust and wanted, even the second choice brand was listed as not available, so I picked a brand that I have no experience with.

It's not bad overall, can't fault the 11th generation Intel CPU, no 12th generation yet since it is only just coming out on laptop later this year. But the fan noise, good grief!

Sounds like the laptop is going to lift off any time now. >_<

Since the old docking station is not compatible with the new laptop, I got a new one with the laptop refresh, supposedly a universal docking station.

Everything works except the hdmi port, I did what troubleshooting I could and it seems like the technical support is satisfied with what I did, since after the phone call a replacement docking station was sent to me, instead of any other troubleshooting.

Only the replacement docking station has exactly the same issue! What are the odds that two brand new docking stations have the same issue? I have my doubt so I asked for technical support in troubleshooting, perhaps it's not the docking station but something else?

Guess what they said? They are sending me yet another docking station...

At this point I honestly don't know if it's the product that is cacat, or the technical support that is cacat. Or both.

Lastly, the monitor I bought shortly after Movement Control Order was enforced for the very first time (which was also the only time that's actually effective...) to set up my home office, joined the cacat gang and started to have jitter at the bottom of the screen first when connected through the display port, and now on the hdmi port.

Maybe it's just my cacat luck...

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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