15 August 2020

New family member

Elder son wanted a dog as birthday present.

I know it will become the parents' responsibility after his five minutes interest wanes, so I suggested guinea pig, thinking it's something more manageable.

Wifey said hamster instead. Smaller than guinea pig, she said.

Anyway, son's birthday came and went, no pet as present, but the hamster idea has warmed up instead of waned over time.

Wifey started buying stuff online and building stuff in preparation, so this new family member seems inevitable.

After helping her built some stuff yesterday after work and today after lunch, our hamster home is ready, and we have stuff for an additional play area too.

So we went and bought the hamster.

'Snowball' in da house!

The name 'Snowball' has been coined ever since elder son wanted a dog. If they picked the brown hamster I would have called it 'Cookie' though, but since they picked the white one, 'Snowball' it is.

We spent a good amount of time arranging and re-arranging the hamster home, and throughout those hours 'Snowball' had been active, pretty much running non-stop.

Oh, and tried to bite our fingers when we were arranging its home.

A real ball of energy.

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

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