29 August 2018

Anchor of my life

Twenty two years ago, at the beach in a light drizzle, we held hands and strolled under that purple and white stripes umbrella.

And we acknowledged each other, we acknowledged our relationship.

And our love blossomed.

Thank you, my dearest wifey, for accepting me as I was, and as I am.

And for weathering the storms and sharing the happiness together throughout the years.

We both know that I need you more than you need me, physically and emotionally.

You anchored me to shore, to safe haven.

Centring me on the right path, true direction, without restraining my freedom.

Pulling me back to surface when depression seeks to sink me under.

With your warm and welcoming, uncomplaining hugs.

Embracing my flaws and weaknesses, embracing my true self.

I would be lost without you.

So thank you, my love, let's have many, many more years to come.

Other |sane side| category entries.

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