Had group teambuilding event yesterday, we went to Escape theme park.
Full day of outdoor physical challenges and rides, my kind of fun teambuilding.
Definitely not the usual tummybuilding disguised as teambuilding, hehe.
So many things to do, so little time, and so lack of stamina and endurance.
We did the dry park in the morning, then the water park after lunch.
The water park requires proper attire, so I was in my swimming trunk, and forgot about sunscreen...
I never had nice body shape, but at least my muscles used to be more defined and toned, from the photos colleagues shared yesterday, it's clear that I am pretty out of shape.
Flappy, flimsy, saggy. >_<
Oh well, I do feel my age, losing the firmness, losing the endurance.
Anyway, after the physical exertion yesterday, I was expecting a full body ache today, and I am pleasantly surprised to find that I am pretty okay, just a bit sore on my left triceps.
The real pain and discomfort comes from the abrasion on my left collar left by the safety harness, and the sunburn!
I also have two abrasions on my left knuckle, which I have no idea when and how I got them, oh well.
So yea, sunburn! Ouch...
Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.